
Existing Members

If you are an existing member, you can update your details, including renewal and payment information at our membership portal.

Join the Australian Jewish Historical Society

AJHS welcomes personal members and institutions. 

Every year, members receive two new issues of the historical AJHS Journal and another four new issues of the genealogical Kosher Koala  There are also monthly Newsletters with current items of interest and upcoming events. This website provides a wealth of information with access to our archives of both historical and genealogical information.

Members may vote at Annual General Meetings and also have a say in the future of AJHS by signing on to one of our various committees.

We have a special subscription rate for Academic institutions.

If you hold a Government Benefit card, contact us to see if you qualify for a concession.

Type Users Access Annual Fee (AUD$) inc GST
Members Personal Member and their household $60 Join
Institution Local (Australia & New Zealand) Unlimited access from the institution's email domain $150 Join
Overseas $200 Join
Subscriber Personal, Concession

Available to those holding Government issued concession cards and students
Member and their household

Note: this type of membership has no voting rights and only receives electronic communications and publications.
$30 Join

Volunteer Opportunities

We have volunteers who, photograph, scan, transcribe and more. There are opportunities for you to help out either remotely or in our office in Darlinghurst. If you have some spare time, we’d love to hear from you.

Please contact us to volunteer.

Research Requests

While we are pleased to help you with your research and offer free consults or short solutions. If it is going to take a significant amount of a researcher’s time, we will provide an estimate and an hourly rate dependent on the experience of the researcher helping you. 

Current hourly rate from $80 inc GST for the services of researcher.

Please contact us for research requests.